Alumni Spotlight: pauli reese


About pauli

In addition to maintaining their spiritual direction practice both privately and with Spiritualize, pauli reese is a spiritually minded broadcaster, storyteller, and comedian whose most recent work includes creating the podcast “(un)common good with pauli reese” and founding the media company uncommon good media, whose mission is to amplify voices committed to peacemaking, restorative justice, and uncovering our common humanity. Subscribe to their work at

1. Why does spiritual care matter to you?

— Spiritual care is the foundation of the care of the rest of our selves. When the spirit inside is unwell, we lose connection to everything — the planet, our communities, our very bodies. There are many ways, paths, and traditions that can help us find that wellness, but the critical piece is: keep up that care.

2. What kind of self-care helps ground your spiritual care work?

— Naps, a strong flask of coffee in the AM, breathing, journaling on my manual typewriter, long stays in nature (specifically hiking the Appalachian Trail), digging into my indigenous Korean spiritual roots, and being in spiritual community. 

3.  You have a podcast, “(un)common good with pauli reese.” What have you learned from the experience of creating and hosting your own show?

— More than anything (besides all the work of consistently producing content), it’s that my people are out there. As I've spread my spiritual feelers, my people have been finding me — my way just happens to be media production and journalism. You can follow the podcast on YouTube and Instagram at @uncommongoodpod, or listen wherever you get podcasts. Try listening to our interview with friend of Still Harbor, Naomi Ortiz.

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